The trainers

Professional and highly motivated trainers

contribute to your learning success

All inlingua trainers have the level of native speakers in the languages that they teach. They are instructed by inlingua experts to successfully employ the inlingua language learning method and use our specially developed learning materials for individual lessons and group classes.

Each inlingua trainer has to observe the ten following principles:


Only the target language is spoken in class

Trainers do not translate for you, instead they help you to understand the meaning of words in the context they are used. This is done step by step so that each participant has enough time to understand the various elements of the language.


Lesson focus is on speaking and listening

In order to use a language properly, you need to be able to speak first of all. You also learn to read and write, but the language is introduced through speaking it. The trainer ensures that all participants are able to pronounce every word correctly before moving on with the lesson.


Language patterns are learned through examples and not through explanations

When participants are able to understand a foreign language in context, they are encouraged to further develop their ability to understand the language. These skills are necessary in everyday communication. Even grammar is learned through examples instead of long-winded, complicated grammatical explanations.


Participants have the opportunity to speak as much as possible

Course participants are encouraged to actively use the language throughout the whole learning process. This requires a high degree of active participation. Trainers keep their talking time to a minimum during lessons so that participants can practise as much as possible.


Individual learning needs are met in a relaxed atmosphere

Goals of each participant are considered and incorporated into lessons. The courses are designed to meet the needs of different learning styles. All this takes place in a relaxed and enjoyable environment.


Mistakes are corrected with a positive and constructive approach

Course participants are encouraged to correct themselves so that they can improve their pronunciation and are able to use the language correctly in conversation. We view learning as a process of continued improvement.


Prior knowledge of a topic is tested before introducing new linguistic elements

If you already know a word or grammatical structure, we build on that and expand on existing knowledge.


Trying things out is encouraged

You are encouraged to experiment with newly learned vocabulary and expressions, and voice opinions with the language elements you have learned.


Books are closed during presentation and practise phase

Language elements are introduced through speaking before they are practised in writing. The book is used later in class to improve reading and writing skills, as well as listening comprehension and the use of the language.


Varied training methods are used

While the goals of each lesson are clearly set, trainers use a variety of learning methods in class. They take into consideration different learning styles and backgrounds and help participants to use the language in various everyday situations.